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Phyto D.B.S.

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Retail Price: $40.00 CAD
Sale price Practitioner Price: $20.00 CAD
  • Non GMO
    Non GMO
  • Gluten Free
    Gluten Free
  • Soy Free
    Soy Free
  • Dairy Free
    Dairy Free
  • Vegan
  • Fos Free
    Fos Free
  • Made in Canada
    Made in Canada

Product Code: P-DEFE

  • Dog Rose (Rosa canina)
  • Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
  • Silver Birch (Betula pendula)


Acute, subacute or chronic bacterial infections.


The main action of Phyto D.B.S. is activating the immune system to fight acute and chronic bacterial infections.


The complex is a mucus membrane protector and is particularly beneficial for upper respiratory tract infections. It has an affinity for ear-throat-nose, providing anti-inflammatory and mucous membrane benefits.


It is also indicated for repeated upper respiratory tract infections specifically within the early onset of mucosal symptoms. It is a great tonic in convalescent cases for both children, adolescents, those with a demineralized, weakened, and an anemic terrain.


Silver Birch is the central remedy in the complex providing general anti-inflammatory benefits during the chronic phase of infection.


Black alder is indicated for the early stage of an acute infection. Its main action is on the upper and lower respiratory tract infection, and for the bronchopulmonary tract.


Dog rose works to promote the resolution of infection and recovery of the immune system. likely through its ability to sequester reactive oxygen species.  


In Chinese Medicine, the lung maintains the skin. Dog rose is anti-inflammatory on the mucous membrane and is used to treat infections with accompanying skin manifestations such as eczema, boils, and recurrent herpes.

Finally, this remedy works on the thyroid, helping with temperature regulation during change of season.

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