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Phyto B.S.B.

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Retail Price: $40.00 CAD
Sale price Practitioner Price: $20.00 CAD
  • Non GMO
    Non GMO
  • Gluten Free
    Gluten Free
  • Soy Free
    Soy Free
  • Dairy Free
    Dairy Free
  • Vegan
  • Fos Free
    Fos Free
  • Made in Canada
    Made in Canada

Product Code: P-VRL

  • Black Currant (Ribes nigrum)
  • Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
  • Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa)


Overall protection of the organism and active immune support


Phyto B.S.B. is a synergistic phytotherapy blend that complements the general preventative complex. The main difference is that Phyto B.S.B. is used as prophylaxis and as a curative for viral infections.


It is commonly used during the cold season when influenza and flu are rampant. The remedy strengthens innate and humoral immunity. Acting on the Adrenal-Endocrine system to increase anti-inflammatory action. It can also be used to quell mucosal inflammation during the acute phase of infection and overall defence against viral penetration of the ENT system. 


Blackcurrant is the revitalizer, used during the initial feeling of ‘malaise’ and flu symptoms. It also quells inflammation preventing uncontrolled cytokine storms, especially those with an overactive immune system.


Black Alder is indicated for acute infection and is called the ‘friend of winter’. It manages inflammation within the musculoskeletal (muscle ache) and respiratory system (clear virus). It also has detoxifying benefits on the entire digestive tract (mucus membrane) and favours colonisation of symbiotic bacteria that help resist adherence of pathogenic microorganisms.

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