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Crab Apple Bud - Malus sylvestris

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Retail Price: $40.00 CAD
Sale price Practitioner Price: $20.00 CAD
  • Non GMO
    Non GMO
  • Gluten Free
    Gluten Free
  • Soy Free
    Soy Free
  • Dairy Free
    Dairy Free
  • Vegan
  • Fos Free
    Fos Free
  • Made in Canada
    Made in Canada

Crab apple belongs to the Rosaceae family. A balm made from its juice, sap and leaves comprised the original ‘pomade’. The buds are rich in phytoestrogens, lignans, and progesterone-like substances. Crab apple bud is an excellent combination with Ginkgo bud since it supports mental function and is also rich in antioxidants; specifically, the polyphenols quercetin and phloridzin. Interestingly, both plants are among the oldest living tree species.


On the physical level crab apple protects vascular structures, provides hormonal support, and stimulates osteoblast activity. Raspberry leaf is an excellent companion for Crab apple in menstrual issues related to relative progesterone deficiency; the former supporting the follicular phase, and the latter supporting the luteal phase. It is also a diuretic and  On the spiritual and mental-emotional levels, crab apple bud promotes introspection, the use of intellect as a tool, and inner awakening.


Phytoembryonic plant medicine, similar to western botanical medicine, relies on the extraction of a variety of plant phytochemicals, nutrients, and energetics to exert therapeutic effects. The plant bud, composed mainly of meristem cells, is the most concentrated and vital part of the plant, since it houses all of a plant's developmental information. Meristem cells are undifferentiated embryological tissue capable of specializing function based on living conditions. Thus, meristem cells are the factory, motor, and blueprints for an immature plant, giving functional instructions to the embryonic tissue, and driving its growth to thrive in a specific environment.

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